Poor posture is a major contributor of pain and discomfort in the upper back region. The feeling of tightness between, or around the shoulder blades, can be attributed to, an imbalance of muscle tone and length, and the relationship of head, neck, shoulders, and spine. Posture may be formed by work related tasks, e.g. long hours of computer work or using one body part in a repetitive action. Signs and symptoms of posture related discomfort may vary, but most commonly is pain in the upper back, neck, and shoulder region.
Correct postural alignment of the upper body is considered to be a position that aligns the ear with the tip of the shoulder, and a gentle transitional curve of the neck and upper back. Incorrect posture, is noticed when the head is in a forward position, shoulders become rounded, and spinal transition from upper back to neck is increased.
Muscles become painful in the upper back, because they are being pulled into a lengthened position, for a prolonged period of time. Poor posture reduces blood flow to muscle fibres, leading to biochemical insufficiencies, motor end plate dysfunction, and the end result is painful trigger points.
Massage Therapy can reduce the pain and discomfort associated with poor posture. Firstly, targeting the painful trigger points by, flushing fresh oxygenated, nutrient rich, blood into the region. Secondly, reducing all tightness and tension held in the muscles of the upper back, neck, and shoulders. Not to be forgotten, is treatment to muscles of the upper chest, pectoralis major and minor. They need to lengthened, allowing for the shoulders to come back and be realigned. The final stage of the treatment time is spent educating clients about how to address postural issues, and how they can be corrected with some simple home care routines. For more information regarding treatment REMEDIAL MASSAGE.